Teacher showing student something on tablet

Welcome to the Sanford College of Education

Tomorrow’s leaders are in today’s classrooms, and education is one of the fundamental building blocks of their success. Helping candidates with their educational needs, going above and beyond the call of instruction, and the willingness to be lifelong learners are all necessary in the classroom. The Sanford College of Education is here to help you get started in a life-changing environment.

Our education programs are as diverse as your needs, with degrees that cater to a wide array of teaching and administrative roles. Whether you see yourself as an education architect or special needs teacher, the SCOE has the program for you — with the dedicated, whole-human support you need to thrive and grow as a learner.

Now’s the time to see what the world of education can do for you at the bachelor, master, or doctoral level. Consider a degree in teacher education, special education, educational administration, applied behavior analysis, school and college counseling, school psychology, or social emotional learning. Develop your knowledge and skills now, and start making a life-affirming impact in your community tomorrow.

Robert Lee, EdD
Dean, Sanford College of Education


Explore Our Departments and Degree Programs:

Special Education

Teacher Education

Applied Behavior Analysis, School Psychology, & Educational Counseling

Organizational Leadership & Educational Administration