Media Contact:
Ashleigh Webb
Communications Director
Email: [email protected]
January 7, 2009
National University Named one of America's Top Military Friendly Colleges and Universities
San Diego, Calif. – National University, the second-largest, private, nonprofit institution of higher education in California, has been named one of America’s Top Military Friendly Colleges and Universities by Military Advanced Education magazine. “National University is proud of its commitment to serving the needs of students from all branches of the United States military, and ...
January 7, 2009
National University Ranked in Top 20 of Accredited Online Education Programs
OEDb’s Third Annual Online College Rankings Released San Diego, Calif. – National University ranks 13th out of 44 accredited colleges and universities which offer online programs, according to the 2009 rankings published by Online Education Database. This year marks OEDb’s third annual rankings. OEDb, a database of accredited online education programs, ranks the most significant ...
November 20, 2008
Three National University Named 2008 California Teachers of the Year
La Jolla, Calif. – Three National University alumni are among the five 2008 California Teachers of the Year announced by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell early this month. The three National University alumni named 2008 California Teachers of the Year are: Lewis Chappelear, who teaches engineering design at James Monroe High School in ...
November 11, 2008
National University Tops Nationwide Benchmarks for Academic Challenge for Seventh Year in a Row
La Jolla, Calif. — For the seventh year in a row, National University has surpassed nationwide benchmarks measuring the level of academic challenge at four-year colleges and universities, according to data from the ninth annual report of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) titled “Promoting Engagement for All Students: The Imperative to Look Within.” ...
November 3, 2008
National University Named Professional Teaching Development Center
La Jolla, Calif. – As part of a statewide effort to provide a quality education for every child in California, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) announced that four local universities, including National University, and one county office of education have been selected as Professional Teaching Development Centers (PTDCs) that will strengthen the ...
July 16, 2008
National University System to Open K-12 Charter School
SAN DIEGO, Calif. – The National University System has received approval from the Lakeside Unified School District to open National University Academy, a new K-12 charter school which will provide an innovative learning environment to students interested in a career in health care, it was announced today. "The National University Academy will be dedicated to ...
June 2, 2008
National Leads California in Preparing Credentialed Teachers for Eighth Consecutive Year
La Jolla, Calif. – National University has prepared more teachers for credentialing than any other single institution of higher education in California for the eighth consecutive year, according to figures released by the Commission on Teaching Credentialing (CTC). Between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007, 2,458 teachers earned their single-subject, multiple-subject, and special education ...
January 28, 2008
National University's Endowment Continues to Rank Among Nation's 200 Largest
La Jolla, Calif. – National University’s endowment continues to rank among the top 200 largest college and university endowments in the nation, according to the National Association of College and University Business Officers’ (NACUBO) 2007 survey of the nation’s leading 785 college and university endowments. Based upon assets of $341,231 million in Fiscal Year 2007, ...
January 23, 2008
National University Demonstrates Excellence with One Quarter of National Board Certified Teachers
San Diego, Calif. – National University is proud to announce 26 percent of California teachers who recently achieved National Board Certification are National University alumni. The certificate is highly recognized in the nation and is sought after because of its reputation for quality, portability, potential earning power and ability for teachers to differentiate themselves from ...
November 20, 2007
2007-11-20 National University Alum Lewis Chappelear Nominated for National Teacher of the Year Award
La Jolla, Calif. – National University alum Lewis Chappelear, who teaches engineering design at James Monroe High School in North Hills (Los Angeles County), has been named California’s nominee for the 2008 National Teacher of the Year Award. Chappelear is one of five 2008 California Teachers of Year, including three who are National University alumni. ...
November 12, 2007
2007-11-13 National University recognizes local businesses with Peak Performance Awards
La Jolla, Calif. – National University’s School of Business and Management announced the winners of the inaugural Peak Performance Awards today, including the San Diego Family Justice Center and Family Justice Center Alliance, Aegis Electronic Group, Inc., Scripps Health, RBF Consulting, Palomar Pomerado Health Care, Northrop Grumman and ARINC. The Peak Performance Awards recognize organizations ...
November 5, 2007
2007-11-05 National Tops Nationwide Benchmarks for Academic Challenge
La Jolla, Calif. — For the sixth year in a row, National University has surpassed nationwide benchmarks measuring the level of academic challenge at four-year colleges and universities, according to data from the eighth annual report of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) entitled “Experiences That Matter: Enhancing Student Learning and Success.” The survey ...
October 30, 2007
2007-10-30 Professor Paul Majkut to lecture at the University of Stuttgart
La Jolla, Calif. – National University Professor Paul Majkut has again been invited to give a series of lectures at the Universität Stuttgart, Germany. Majkut, who teaches in the graduate program in English at National University, will lecture in two areas of his scholarly expertise. In the invitation, Professor Walter Gödel, dean of the Institute ...
October 1, 2007
2007-10-01 National University Joins U-CAN
La Jolla, Calif. – National University has joined the first nation-wide effort by colleges and universities designed to provide prospective students and their families with important information in a common, Web-based format. National University and more than 600 private universities and colleges across the country have joined U-CAN (the University and College Accountability Network), which ...
September 24, 2007
2007-09-24 National University Leads California in Granting Master's Degrees to African Americans
La Jolla, Calif. – National University provides more master’s degrees in all disciplines to African Americans than any other college or university in California, according to Diverse Issues in Higher Education. In total, National University conferred 274 master’s degrees to African Americans in the 2005-2006 academic year. By specific disciplines, National University also ranks first ...
September 24, 2007
2007-09-24 National University Leads California in Granting Master's Degrees in Education to Asian Americans
National also ranks third in the nation in granting master’s in Education to Asian Americans La Jolla, Calif. – National University provided more master’s degrees in education to Asian Americans than any other college or university in California during the 2005-2006 academic year, according to Diverse Issues in Higher Education. National University ranked third in ...
September 24, 2007
2007-09-24 National Leads Nation in Granting Master's Degrees in Education to Minority Students
National Ranks Third in the Nation in Granting Master’s Degrees in Education to Minorities La Jolla, Calif. – National University provides more master’s degrees in education to minority students – including African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans – than any other college or university in California, according to Diverse Issues in Higher ...
September 24, 2007
2007-09-24 National University Leads California in Granting Master's Degrees in Education to Native Americans
La Jolla, Calif. – National University provides more master’s degrees in education to Native Americans than any other college or university in California, according to Diverse Issues in Higher Education. In total, National University conferred 19 master’s degrees in education to Native Americans in the 2005-2006 academic year. Diverse Issues in Higher Education publishes its ...
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