Media Contact:
Ashleigh Webb
Communications Director
Email: [email protected]
February 12, 2004
2004-08-25 National University Professor Developing New Chemical Sensor For Detecting Explosive
La Jolla , CA – National University faculty member Shekar Viswanathan , Ph.D., has developed a new type of explosive detector through research funded by a National University Presidential Award grant. Dr. Viswanathan, in National University ‘s School of Engineering and Technology, has collaborated with Newbury Park-based Electronic Sensor Technology in the design and operation ...
January 12, 2004
2004-08-25 National University Wins It's Second Consecutive Eureka Award For Performance Excellence
La Jolla, CA – The California Council for Excellence (CCE) presented National University with its second consecutive Eureka Award for Performance Excellence in late December. National University was the only institution of higher education to receive the award in 2003 and is the second university-level recipient ever. CCE’s mission is to help California organizations achieve ...
January 7, 2004
2004-08-25 National University Endowment Grows by 9.6%: Its Assets Now Rank Among Nation's 200 Largest
La Jolla , CA – National University ‘s endowment is now among the top 200 largest college and university endowments in the nation, according to preliminary results of the National Association of College and University Business Officers’ 2003 survey of the nation’s leading 716 college and university endowments. Based upon assets of $178.27 million in ...
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