Bachelor of Arts in Communication
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Take the Art of Communication to a Professional Level
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Degree
$0 application fee. No essays/exams.
The Bachelor of Arts in Communication prepares students for careers in professional communication, including leadership positions in corporate communication, public relations, advertising, and integrated marketing. The degree also prepares students for a wide range of careers and pursuits that require highly developed communication skills. After all, strong communication skills are sought after by hiring managers and can help job seekers stand out among otherwise well-qualified applicants in a crowded employment marketplace.
The Communication BA offers a unique blend of human and professional communication theory and skills so students learn to communicate appropriately and effectively in interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, and mediated settings. Graduates can apply the strategic thinking and message creation skills they acquire to work in most industries.
The program covers the theory and skills needed to employ organizational leadership to produce communication campaigns and materials, disseminated through traditional, digital, internet, social, and emerging media. Students learn through academic work, case studies, and hands-on experience, creating messages across media platforms. Completion of the program enables graduates to succeed in positions that require strategic thinking, planning, project management, content creation, and leadership.
Degree Requirements
To receive a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, students must complete at least 180 quarter units as follows: 76.5 units must be completed at the upper-division level, and 45 units must be completed in online residence through National University. Students must also complete a minimum 69 units of the University’s General Education requirements. In the absence of transfer credit, additional general electives may be necessary to satisfy total units for the degree. The following courses are specific degree requirements. All students receiving an undergraduate degree in Nevada are required by State Law to complete a course in Nevada Constitution.
National University awards credit in quarter units, with each academic year divided into four 12-week quarters.
Each quarter is made up of three 4-week classes, with one class per month. Under the current policy, 4.5 units of credit are awarded for courses.
2 Courses
Effective College English*
4.5 Quarter Units
An introductory course on the written academic discourse patterns required for college-level writing. Emphasizing essay-length compositions, the course covers critical reading, thesis formation, essay organization, and basic revision techniques.
Public Speaking*
4.5 Quarter Units
This class is an introduction to the principles and application of speaking effectively to diverse audiences in a variety of settings. Focus is on topic selection, organization, analysis of research, and delivery, with special attention on learning effective delivery skills.
*May be used to satisfy general education requirements.
Core Requirements
9 Courses
Interpersonal Communication
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Examines the theory and research behind interpersonal communication. Explores communication processes in dyads, small groups, and teams, and in organizational settings. Teaches skills to improve students’ communication competence in both personal and professional environments. The course also covers self-awareness, self-disclosure, relational development, and conflict resolution.
Intercultural Communication
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Looks at communication across cultures and considers how culture influences communication. Focuses on the dynamics of cross-cultural face-to-face interaction, conflict styles across cultures, societal influences on ethnocentrism and racism, cultural value orientations, non-verbal dimensions of communication, language interaction, stereotypes, relationship development, and cultural adaptation.
Communication Theory
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Provides a broad survey of the theoretical approaches employed in the study of communication. Focuses on theories relevant to many levels of interaction from interpersonal to mass and mediated communication. Also explores how and why theories are developed and how they can be evaluated.
Communication Research Methods
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Introduces students to quantitative and qualitative communication research methods to enable them to become competent evaluators, designers, and authors of research. Teaches the fundamental principles of communication research, providing learners with the knowledge base and experience to answer questions in the practice of professional communication.
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Introduces learners to the principles, functions, and practices of social influence. Examines how to influence others’ attitudes, beliefs, opinions, values, and behaviors through communication. Explores scientifically established principles of persuasion that are used in contemporary media.
Organizational Communication
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Provides for the study and application of current theories and research on communication within and among organizations. Includes the study of the influence of management styles on organizational communication. Discussion of communication structure, functions, contexts in organizations, and communication ethics in organizations.
Strategic Writing
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Teaches strategic writing and presentation for traditional and new media platforms. Provides students practice in creating content that meets organizational objectives, and in applying communication theory and persuasion techniques. Learners develop content for advertising, PR, and corporate communications.
Mediated Messaging
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: COM 385 and COM 394
Course examines 21st-century mediated communication systems and technology. Theory and methods used in creating, shaping, encoding, and transmitting mediated messages for personal and professional communications are examined. Software and skills for encoding mediated messages into text, graphics, audio, and video are learned and practiced.
Communication Program Capstone
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: Completion of 13 core and advanced core courses.
Students assemble and create materials necessary to produce an ePortfolio that demonstrates their research, analysis, strategic thinking, content production, and campaign evaluation skills. The ePortfolio demonstrates the student’s experience and capabilities. It will be an asset in the job search and in career advancement. Grading is S or U only.
The core Communication program broadly prepares students for one of two required concentrations: Strategic Communication and Creative Communication. Strategic Communication is a more professionally oriented four-course sequence that includes intensive training and experience in public relations, advertising, and marketing. The Creative Communication Concentration takes a broader approach, allowing students to choose four from nine courses in communication subject matter ranging from creative writing to video editing and from storytelling to communication technology.
Concentration in Creative Communication
To receive the concentration in Creative Communication, students complete 18 quarter units (4 courses) of Creative Communication offerings in addition to their core BA Communication requirements.
Before enrolling in courses for the Concentration in Creative Communication, please take careful note of prerequisites.
Preparation for the Concentration
2 Courses
Several courses in the Creative Communication Concentration have prerequisites. Students need ONLY take preparatory courses that apply to those prerequisites.
Effective College English
4.5 Quarter Units
An introductory course on the written academic discourse patterns required for college-level writing. Emphasizing essay-length compositions, the course covers critical reading, thesis formation, essay organization, and basic revision techniques.
Intro to Creative Writing
4.5 Quarter Units
An introduction to poetry and fiction writing using the collaborative workshop method. No previous creative writing experience is required.
Fiction Writing I
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
An introductory course in writing short fiction. Students will focus on the basic elements of fiction writing and write their own original work. Students will also analyze published work and discuss each other’s writing in a traditional workshop format. Designed to give students a basis for future creative work.
Poetry Writing I
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
An introductory level poetry workshop. Students will compose their own original poems and study the basics of the craft of poetry along with a general historical overview of the history of poetry and its developments. This course is designed to give students a basis for future personal creative work.
Advanced Composition
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
An advanced course in writing that emphasizes discipline-specific research strategies, formulating research niches, and framing persuasive arguments in the disciplines.
Technical Writing
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102; (Only Business, Engineering and Nursing majors may fulfill the requirement by taking ENG 334A)
A workshop to help students whose careers will involve communicating technical information clearly. Students are encouraged to practice on professional models in their own disciplines while learning those attributes common to all effective technical writing.
Intro to Graphic Design
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven college level writing skills to be successful in their written assignments in the program.
The course introduces students to movements and theories of art and graphic design that will be utilized in the creation of digital media assets. The course includes design tools and principles of digital media and their impact on culture.
Intro to Visual Storytelling
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven college level writing skills to be successful in their written assignments in the program.; MUL 201 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven competency level to be successful in the more advanced subjects in the program.
This course is an introduction to visual storytelling where students appreciate and learn visual narrative concepts through project-based assignments. Students also examine the methods, time periods and cultural influences that impact the creation of visual storytelling.
Requirements for Concentration
4 Courses
Students select FOUR courses from:
Poetry Writing II
4.5 Quarter Units
An intermediate workshop in poetry. Students will compose their own original poems and continue the study of the craft of poetry, focusing on the modern tradition.
Communication Technologies
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Examines communication technologies and their effects on society. Looks at the history of such systems: how they emerged, diffused, and evolved. Covers current systems, with an emphasis on how the Internet and other new platforms are changing media, education, business, and politics around the world.
Fiction Writing II
4.5 Quarter Units
An intermediate course in writing fiction. Students will build on principles learned in ENG201, focusing on developing compelling and original fiction. Students will also discuss the importance of revision, and engage in thorough critiques of each other’s original work.
4.5 Quarter Units
Editing for style, clarity, and coherence in a variety of academic and non-academic contexts, including editing of one’s own and others’ writing and collaborative writing/editing.
Storytelling for Leadership
4.5 Quarter Units
Provides an overview of the principles and techniques of storytelling and their application to leadership in organizations and society. Students will learn how the principles of dramatic structure inform and shape the stories leaders have used throughout history, and how a range of diverse fields, from literature to business to neurobiology, have advanced our understanding of why storytelling is essential for leaders. Those who hope to advocate for causes, connect with followers, and drive change increasingly understand that a powerful story can be the difference between success and failure. Taking a critical approach to storytelling in leadership, students will also consider their own personal narrative, as leaders and followers, as they plan their next steps in the professional world.
Nature Writing
4.5 Quarter Units
An advanced course for students interested in using writing as a means of exploring the natural world. This course surveys nature writing in its various forms (essays, articles, poetry, journals, etc.) as well as effective nature writing strategies. This course is designed to give students a basis for future personal creative work.
Applied Web Design
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven college-level writing skills to be successful in their written assignments in the program.; MUL 201 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven competency level to be successful in the more advanced subjects in the program. ; MUL 203 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven competency level to be successful in the more advanced subjects in the program.
Students will get hands-on training utilizing the principles and techniques of web design within the digital media industry. The course is an in-depth study of effective web page design using structured markup languages, and efficient site architecture. Students will engage in projects in content development, navigation, and usability (ie: UX – user experience) and deployment.
Digital Video Editing
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven college level writing skills to be successful in their written assignments in the program.; MUL 201 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven competency level to be successful in the more advanced subjects in the program. and MUL 203 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven competency level to be successful in the more advanced subjects in the program.
The course provides students with in depth experience working with non-linear editing software (NLE) to create engaging and highly effective video projects.
User Interface Design
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ENG 102 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven college level writing skills to be successful in their written assignments in the program.; MUL 201 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven competency level to be successful in the more advanced subjects in the program. ; MUL 203 with a minimum grade of C. Students must have proven competency level to be successful in the more advanced subjects in the program.
Hands-on introduction in the basics of user interface design for various platforms (i.e. web, mobile, etc.). Students will learn all phases of user interface design from conception to final output.
Concentration in Strategic Communication
The Concentration in Strategic Communication is a professionally oriented four-course sequence that includes intensive training and experience in public relations, advertising, and marketing.
To receive the concentration in Strategic Communication, students complete 18 quarter units (4 courses) in Strategic Communication in addition to their core BA Communication requirements.
Requirements for Concentration
4 Courses
Media Management
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: COM 400
In-depth study of topics in media management, including managing media enterprises and units, business practices, content marketing and distribution, and technologies such as content and media asset management systems, as well as distribution and delivery networks. Students learn analytical techniques necessary to weigh business strategies and technology choices in bringing a variety of types of media content products to market.
Communication Strategies
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: COM 334
Synthesizes principles and strategies used to develop PR and integrated advertising messages used in the planning and implementation of communication campaigns. Focuses on analyzing markets, clients, products, and audiences and on creative copywriting and art direction. Provides training in how to develop campaign plans in traditional and digital media.
Communication Campaigns
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: COM 441
Create and integrate campaign materials and media assets for a complete public relations or advertising campaign to be delivered across multiple media platforms. Materials produced include print, graphic, video, and other digital assets. Provides hands-on experience presenting a creative plan to a potential client.
Interactive & Mobile Campaigns
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: COM 442
Apply and integrate new tools and techniques to design, create, and implement interactive communication programs and campaigns. Focuses on delivery through Social Media, location-based messaging, and personal mobile devices. Offers hands-on experience producing multimedia and mobile content.
Career Outlook
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
Here are some careers this degree could prepare you for:
- Top Jobs in this field
- Median Salary (USA)
- JOB Openings (USA)
- Advertising and Promotions Managers
- $123,914 avg. salary (USA)
- 2,349 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Marketing
- Project Management
- Digital Advertising
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Digital Marketing
- Advertisement
- Finance
Top companies hiring for this role
- Amazon
- Cox Communications
- Monster Beverage
- Bowlero Corporation
- Walmart
- County Of San Mateo
- Deloitte
- Marketing Managers
- $151,267 avg. salary (USA)
- 34,924 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Marketing
- Product Management
- Project Management
- New Product Development
- Marketing Strategies
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Go-to-Market Strategy
Top companies hiring for this role
- Amazon
- Ford
- Lumen Technologies
- Johnson & Johnson
- Meta
- Confluent
- Pearson Education
- Sales Managers
- $134,023 avg. salary (USA)
- 46,534 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Marketing
- Sales Management
- Selling Techniques
- Business Development
- Sales Prospecting
- Customer Relationship Management
- Sales Strategy
Top companies hiring for this role
- AutoZone
- Marriott International
- Hilton
- US Foods Holding
- Wolters Kluwer
- Carter's
- Amazon
- Public Relations Managers
- $134,150 avg. salary (USA)
- 6,019 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Marketing
- Public Relations
- Project Management
- Social Media
- Journalism
- Newsletters
- Press Releases
Top companies hiring for this role
- Merck & Co.
- Lumen Technologies
- Amazon
- The Nature Conservancy
- American Heart Association
- Ford
- Deloitte
- Fundraising Managers
- $118,955 avg. salary (USA)
- 3,238 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Fundraising
- Sales Prospecting
- Marketing
- Project Management
- Philanthropy
- Finance
- Planned Giving
Top companies hiring for this role
- American Heart Association
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- Imsolutions [Integrated Multichannel Solutions]
- The Salvation Army
- Alzheimer's Association
- American Red Cross
- Social and Community Service Managers
- $76,025 avg. salary (USA)
- 20,398 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Social Work
- Human Services
- Psychology
- Marketing
- Case Management
- Project Management
- Mental Health
Top companies hiring for this role
- Oak Street Health
- Homesafe Alliance
- Sodexo
- American Red Cross
- Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania
- Sunrise Senior Living
- Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists
- $73,691 avg. salary (USA)
- 94,243 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Marketing
- Social Media
- Business Development
- Project Management
- Digital Marketing
- Customer Relationship Management
- Marketing Strategies
Top companies hiring for this role
- Amazon
- Ford
- Skechers
- Cracker Barrel
- General Motors
- PayPal
- Veralto
- Public Relations Specialists
- $66,987 avg. salary (USA)
- 27,217 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Marketing
- Public Relations
- Project Management
- Social Media
- Newsletters
- Journalism
- Press Releases
Top companies hiring for this role
- Capital One
- CDM Smith
- Lululemon
- Publicis Groupe
- The Nature Conservancy
- Flagstar Bank
- Amazon
Program Learning Outcomes
Learn the key skills to help you excel in your field of study.
- Develop communication campaign messaging strategies.
- Apply persuasion theory to communication campaigns and media messages.
- Develop multi-platform, multi-public message dissemination plans.
- Identify communication settings and apply appropriate theoretical precepts and practical skills to formulating messages.

Transfer Students Welcome
Enrolling in a university is a big decision. That’s why our dedicated admissions team is here to guide you through the admissions process and help you find the right program for you and your career goals.
To that end, we’ve simplified and streamlined our application process, so you can get enrolled in your program right away. Because we accept and review applications year round, you can begin class as soon as next month, depending on your program and location of choice.
Learn more about undergraduate, graduate, military, and international student admissions, plus admissions information for transfer students. You can also learn more about our tuition rates and financial aid opportunities.
To speak with our admissions team, call (855) 355-6288 or request information and an advisor will contact you shortly. If you’re ready to apply, simply start your application today.

Scholarships and Financial Aid
National University is dedicated to making higher education affordable, as well as accessible. Through NU scholarship offerings, eligible students are able to reduce the financial burden of college, start classes sooner, and finish their programs faster while focusing on achieving their goals.

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredits public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the U.S.

Why National University?
We’re proud to be a Veteran-founded, San Diego-based nonprofit. Since 1971, our mission has been to provide accessible, achievable higher education to adult learners.
Today, we educate students from across the U.S. and around the globe, with over 240,000 alumni worldwide.

“National University has impacted my career. You can immediately apply what you learn in class to your business.”
Francisco R.,
Class of 2016
What makes a degree
with National University unique?
Free Tutoring Sessions
Access personalized tutoring sessions at no cost — empowering your learning.
Flexibility meets quality education with our online learning option.
24/7 Support
Get assistance anytime, anywhere with our round-the-clock support services.
Military Friendly
Committed to serving those who serve — diverse resources and support for veterans and family. Military and Veteran Admissions.
Mentoring Network
Individual student and alumni career guidance, professional development opportunities, and customized career support.
Transfer Students Welcome
NU makes it easy to get your degree, even if you started it with another university. Learn more about transferring to NU.
Accelerate Your Career With NU
At National University, you’re part of a family. As a student, you’ll have the support of staff, faculty members, students, and alumni who will be there with you every step of the way, cheering you on as you pursue your goals.
Our network of 240,000 alumni is a large global community that provides our graduates with the professional connections to get a leg up in your new career.

National University’s communication degree program can be completed online, meaning you won’t have to put your life on hold while working toward your degree. With small class sizes and faculty mentors who bring real-world experience, you’ll gain the communication skills relevant to today’s job market. NU offers four-week courses, so you can focus on one subject at a time, one month at a time and finish your degree faster. Plus, with year-round enrollment, you don’t have to wait to apply and can begin classes as soon as next month. As a military-friendly Yellow Ribbon school, active-duty servicemembers and their immediate family members have access to tuition discounts.
A communication degree can be the foundation for a variety of career paths, both within and beyond the communications industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for media and communication occupations (such as Editors, Public Relations Specialists, and Technical Writers) was $62,340 in May 2021.* Effective communication within smaller teams and to broader audiences is a growing need among the top companies in every industry. Typical roles can include:
- Advertising
- Brand management
- Communications consultant
- Corporate communications
- Digital strategic
- Media planner
- Publicist
- Public relations marketing specialist
- Promotions
*SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, the internet, https://www.bls.gov/ooh/media-and-communication/home.htm (viewed June 3, 2021)
Cited projections may not reflect local or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth.
According to Emsi labor market analytics and economic data1, consulting services, finance and banking, health insurance and health care systems, and information technology are among the top industries for graduates. Emsi also confirms some of the top job titles for professionals who have earned this degree include:
- Communications specialist, coordinator, consultant or strategist
- Internal or strategic communications manager
- Director of Communications
- Corporate Communications Managers
- Marketing and Communications Managers
- Accounts (account executive)
- Public Relations (manager, specialist, coordinator)
*SOURCE: Emsi Labor Analyst- Report. Emsi research company homepage at https://www.economicmodeling.com/company/ (Report viewed: 2/17/2022). DISCLAIMER: The data provided is for Informational purposes only. Emsi data and analysis utilizes government sources to provide insights on industries, demographics, employers, in-demand skills, and more to align academic programs with labor market opportunities. Cited projections may not reflect local or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth. Current and prospective students should use this data with other available economic data to inform their educational decisions.
Additional Resources
Program Disclosure
Successful completion and attainment of National University degrees do not lead to automatic or immediate licensure, employment, or certification in any state/country. The University cannot guarantee that any professional organization or business will accept a graduate’s application to sit for any certification, licensure, or related exam for the purpose of professional certification.
Program availability varies by state. Many disciplines, professions, and jobs require disclosure of an individual’s criminal history, and a variety of states require background checks to apply to, or be eligible for, certain certificates, registrations, and licenses. Existence of a criminal history may also subject an individual to denial of an initial application for a certificate, registration, or license and/or result in the revocation or suspension of an existing certificate, registration, or license. Requirements can vary by state, occupation, and/or licensing authority.
NU graduates will be subject to additional requirements on a program, certification/licensure, employment, and state-by-state basis that can include one or more of the following items: internships, practicum experience, additional coursework, exams, tests, drug testing, earning an additional degree, and/or other training/education requirements.
All prospective students are advised to review employment, certification, and/or licensure requirements in their state, and to contact the certification/licensing body of the state and/or country where they intend to obtain certification/licensure to verify that these courses/programs qualify in that state/country, prior to enrolling. Prospective students are also advised to regularly review the state’s/country’s policies and procedures relating to certification/licensure, as those policies are subject to change.
National University degrees do not guarantee employment or salary of any kind. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to review desired job positions to review degrees, education, and/or training required to apply for desired positions. Prospective students should monitor these positions as requirements, salary, and other relevant factors can change over time.
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