
At National University, we strive to make higher education accessible to all adult learners. View our blog articles below that provide insights and information to help navigate your education path.



  • September 2, 2021

    The Psychology of Business

    The importance of psychology in business is difficult to overstate. Because directly or indirectly, it can be used to help improve virtually every aspect of doing business. That might include making a better workplace, more productive employees, or better products. Psychology is essentially the science of understanding the way people think and behave, and business ...

  • August 31, 2021

    How to Be a Creative Leader

    Any business can benefit from an infusion of creative leadership, no matter what challenges it faces, what industry it is part of, or what type of service it provides. But what does that actually translate to in practice? What can leaders do to help promote innovation and growth? And why does being creative as a ...

  • August 26, 2021

    What is Creative Leadership?

    No business, team, or organization can thrive without effective leadership — and to maximize their efficacy, leaders must think, act, and problem-solve creatively. As we will explore in this article, leaders who are able to successfully innovate and “think outside the box” often reap career and financial benefits, while simultaneously fostering personal growth in their ...

  • August 24, 2021

    What is EdTech (Education Technology)?

    From healthcare and entertainment to engineering and transportation, technology has revolutionized every industry on a global scale, impacting not only businesses, but also families, students, and educators. Even prior to the coronavirus pandemic, online education was already on the rise, with “enrolled college students who took at least one online class…edging up to 34.7 percent ...

  • August 19, 2021

    Types of Psychological Therapy

    In modern medicine, the best medicine is often targeted to a specific condition or audience. So, too, is the best therapy. Each type of psychological therapy also has a list of necessary skills. There is not a single “psychotherapy,” but several subtypes. There is one-on-one therapy, group therapy, couples therapy, and a variety of theory-based ...

  • August 17, 2021

    Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist: What’s the Difference?

    It is not uncommon for the casual observer — and patients, especially — to pose the question, “What is the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist?” They are each scholars of psychology and can both be client-facing professions. They practice psychotherapy, obtain doctorates, are both trained to identify mental issues and disorders, and thrive on ...

  • August 13, 2021

    Essential Skills Needed to be a Forensic Psychologist

    Set aside what you think you know about forensic psychology from popular media. The deep and dramatic analysis of criminal suspects and the profile-making process found in TV shows might have their place in some roles, but the application of forensic psychology in the real world is much broader and entirely more complicated.  It’s also ...

  • August 10, 2021

    Helping Students Overcome Social Anxiety in School

    Anxiety disorders are among some of the most common mental health disorders in the United States — and it isn’t just adults who are affected. In addition to an estimated 40 million U.S. adults, anxiety has also been diagnosed in more than 7 percent of U.S. children and teenagers aged 3 to 17, according to ...

  • August 5, 2021

    Pros and Cons of Teaching Cyber School

    COVID-19 has led to a surge in online learning, with record numbers of students attending school virtually in order to maintain social distancing. This unprecedented shift toward distance learning has presented a new and unique set of challenges to educators, demanding creativity, problem-solving, and innovation.   If you are planning on becoming an educator, it is ...

  • August 3, 2021

    ABA Psychology and Autism

    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is more common than most people realize, affecting approximately 1 in 54 children throughout the United States. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), places that number even higher, estimating a figure closer to 1 in 40, or ...

  • July 30, 2021

    What is Sociological Imagination?

    To put it simply, sociological imagination is an ability to connect personal experience with larger social structures, allowing us to link personal challenges to broader social issues. However, a simple definition doesn’t fully capture the scope of this modestly complex idea. What kind of personal challenges or social issues? How do they connect? Exploring a ...

  • July 27, 2021

    Sociological Theories of Crime & Deviance

    What is crime, exactly? Why does it occur? What are some different types of crime? Why are some offensive behaviors considered crimes, but others are not? And what can we do to influence rates of criminal behavior in society? There are many sociological theories of crime, and each approaches these types of questions in a ...

  • July 22, 2021

    Popular Theories of Sociology

    As the study of social relationships and systems, sociology has many theories that can help us to better understand and interact with the world around us. That includes competing theories that are attempting to explain the same phenomena, as well as theories that cover an incredibly diverse range of different social systems and issues. Fully ...

  • July 13, 2021

    What is School Psychology?

    School psychologists work with school-aged children and engage with children, youth, families, and school systems. With that in mind, school psychology could be considered a subset of child psychology. However, unlike child psychologists, school psychologists are not just concerned with individuals, but the systems and environments they are placed in. A school psychologist is, characteristically, ...

  • July 8, 2021

    The Importance of Mental Health During a Pandemic

    The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports that over 17 million Americans, or about 7 percent of the population, suffered “at least one major depressive episode” during 2017. Anxiety, which frequently overlaps with depression, is even more prevalent in the United States. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), roughly 40 ...

  • July 6, 2021

    Helping Students Overcome Procrastination

    Some students struggle to understand algebra. Others have trouble remembering history. Others excel when tasked with group projects but find it a challenge to study consistently. While each student’s skill sets and strengths are unique, there’s one obstacle nearly all of them face: the tendency to procrastinate. In fact, you might be surprised (and dismayed) ...

  • July 1, 2021

    Engaging Students in Distance Learning

    As part of the ongoing effort to combat the spread of COVID-19, thousands of schools have transitioned toward distance education, replacing conventional classrooms with online courses, websites, and apps. Thanks to innovations in educational technology, or “edtech,” students can take tests, attend lectures, collaborate on group assignments, and participate in class discussions — all while ...

  • June 24, 2021

    Sociology vs. Psychology

    Though similar in many respects, students who pursue studies in sociology or psychology will develop somewhat differing skills and career prospects. Both fields involve understanding human behavior, and both teach the skills necessary to enter a wide range of career paths.  Pending your individual tastes, intellectual curiosity, and career goals, you might find one field ...

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