Credential Information
If you are a National University student and have a question or concern regarding your credential program please contact our Credentials Direct Access toll free 1-866-NU ACCESS, ext. 8300 or by email at [email protected].
If you would like to talk to National University about enrolling in a credential program please contact 1-800-NAT-UNIV and ask for the Admissions Department in your area.
Requirements For All Credential Program Candidates
All credential program candidates are required to turn in a completed credential packet for his or her program within 30 days of enrollment. Candidates must review and respond accordingly to all messages delivered to the candidate’s student message center and all printed information listed in the degree and credential section of this catalog.
Please be advised that credential programs have time sensitive requirements that must be met for admission, clinical practice, and completion. Candidates are encouraged to discuss individual completion goals and desired timelines with a Credential Program Specialist at the beginning of their program.
- Candidates transferring from a credential program from another university must provide a letter of good standing.
- Candidates with international degrees who do not hold a U.S. -bachelor’s degree must receive an evaluation from a CTC-approved international evaluation agency before being admitted to the University and starting the first course
Credential Residency Requirements
All candidates enrolled in a preliminary credential program must complete a minimum of 31.5 qu. in residency at National University. All clinical practice courses must be taken in residence. All credential candidates concurrently pursuing a degree, must also meet the degree residency requirements.
Minimum residency requirements to be recommended for a credential and or degree may vary and are listed under each program. Courses taken online are considered to be in-residence.
Note: All graduate credential coursework must be completed with a GPA of 3.0 ("D", "F" and "U" grades are not accepted and must be repeated). All undergraduate credential coursework must be completed with a GPA of 2.5 ("D", "F" and "U" grades are not accepted and must be repeated). Please see the grade requirements listed under your specific credential program.
Student Acknowledgment Of Terms & Agreements
All applicants for admission to a credential program must review and sign a stu¬dent acknowledgment of terms & agreements.
The student acknowledgment (provided in each credential packet) gives National University the right to suspend or terminate the candidate’s participation in a credential program for any of the following reasons:
- Committed acts or engaged in conduct that could constitute grounds for denial of a credential
- Failed to demonstrate the requisite skills and qualifications to satisfy the requirements for a credential
- Demonstrated other qualities or behaviors enumerated in the student agreement inconsistent with National University’s recommendation of the candidate for an education credential
The student acknowledgment of terms & agreements also authorizes National University to release to the Commission all pertinent information pertaining to the candidate’s qualification or fitness for a credential.
Program Advisement
Every credential program has an assigned Faculty Advisor who is available to provide program specific advisement related to a specific program field. The Faculty Advisor name and contact information is listed in the catalog under the heading of specific programs. The Faculty Advisor is a resource for specific questions candidates may have about classes, curriculum, and instructors.
Each candidate also has a Credential Program Specialist available to him/her to help navigate the specifics of the state and university credentialing requirements. These requirements may be updated due to changing legislation. It is very important for candidates to work closely with a Credential Program Specialist to understand and educate themselves on the specifics of their particular credentialing requirements.
Clinical Practice Information
Clinical practice may consist of student teaching, internship and/or field experience. All clinical practice courses are scheduled by a Credential Program Specialist. Detailed clinical practice eligibility requirements can be found under each credential program section.
Recommendation For A California Credential
To be formally recommended for a California Teaching or Services Credential by National University all candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended on file at National University
- Proof of a conferred bachelor ’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education (IHE) or an international degree of U.S. equivalence
- Completion of the specific program residency requirements
- Completion of all specific California credential requirements
- Written evaluations of performance in field experiences, internships, educational projects, student teaching, and other practicum
- Successful completion of the credential coursework with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (Grades of “D”, “F” and “U” are not accepted)
- Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the University before applying for the credential; zero account balance
Note: For Candidates in the BA/S Blended Programs the undergraduate degree must be conferred, with a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA and 2.5 in credential coursework.