Dr. Alan Smith

Contact Information

Dr. Alan Smith

College: School of Health Professions

Department: Healthcare Leadership


UC San Diego - PHD - Public Health


  • Matsumoto, S., Jung, K.. & Coimbra, R.. (February 02, 2018). ![CDATA[Management of IVC Injury: Repair or Ligation? A Propensity Score Matching Analysis Using the National Trauma Data Bank]]. The Journal of the American College of Surgeons.

  • Langness, S., Costantini, T.W.,Bansal, V. & Coimbra, R.. (January 02, 2017). ![CDATA[Isolated traumatic brain injury in patients with cirrhosis: do different treatment paradigms result in increased mortality?]]. The American Journal of Surgery.

  • Dr. Alan M. Smith. (November 23, 2015). ![CDATA[Monitoring Neutrophil-Expressed Cell Surface Esophageal Cancer Related Gene-4 after Severe Burn Injury]]. Surgical Infections Society Articles.

  • Dehqanzada, Z. A., Meisinger, Q., Doucet, J., Casola, G. & Coimbra, R.. (August 03, 2015). ![CDATA[Complete ultrasonography of trauma in screening blunt abdominal trauma patients is equivalent to computed tomographic scanning while reducing radiation exposure and cost]]. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.

  • Berndtson, A. E., Huang, W., Box, K., Kobayashi, L., Godat, L. N., Weingarten, D., Coimbra, R.. (n.d.). ![CDATA[A new kid on the block: Outcomes with Kcentra 1 year after approval]]. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.