Dr. Tyler Smith

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Dr. Tyler Smith

College: School of Health Professions

Department: Healthcare Leadership


UC San Diego - PHD - Public Health
Areas of Expertise: Military Population Health Health Analytics and Population Health Health Outcomes Research Epidemiology Advanced Statistical Modeling Statistical Programming Background: Dr. Tyler Smith is a statistical epidemiologist and professor at National University who has conducted extensive longitudinal studies and research on the physical and mental health of military populations, particularly those who have served overseas during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches biostatistics, epidemiology, advanced analytics and is an active scientist with over 150 peer-reviewed journal publications in major scientific journals including JAMA, BMJ, SLEEP, IJE, American Statistician, and AJE as well as presenting 300 scientific presentations. Current research focus: Childhood Vaccine Efficiencies Precision Health and Education PTSD and Suicide in Military Health Outcomes Dr. Smith previously served as Department Head and Director of Deployment Health Research at the Naval Health Research Center where he led a team of more than 35 research professionals in large epidemiologic studies of military occupational and reproductive health. Dr. Smith has served on Institute of Medicine committees, served on the faculty at UCSD, and has been principal investigator or co-investigator on numerous grants. He currently serves on a National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Committee. Among his focus related to military populations: Mental health related issues - including PTSD, depression, and suicide - Health related issues among military populations deployed overseas, including impact of environmental exposures. Dr. Smith received a BS in mathematics with an option in statistics from Chico State, a MS in statistics from the University of Kentucky, and a PhD in epidemiology from the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Smith has served as President and Academic Chair for the Western Users of SAS Software and Chair of SAS Global Forum 2015, served on the Board of Community Health Improvement Partners and 6 years as President of Point Loma Little League.


  • Yogo N, Greenwood K.L, Thompson L, Wells P, Munday S, Smith T.C, Smith B, Bakhtar O.R. (January 01, 2020). Point Prevalence Survey to Evaluate the Seropositivity for COVID-19 among High-Risk Healthcare Workers. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology.

  • Hein, T.C., Muz, B., Ahmadi-Montecalvo, H., Smith,T.C. (January 01, 2020). Associations Between ACEs, Health Behavior and Veteran Health by Service Era. American Journal of Health Behavior.

  • Mcneal G.C., Smith T.C., Tontz P. (August 01, 2019). Serving those Who Serve Their Country; Preparing Military Veterans for Degrees in Nursing. Journal of Nursing Education.

  • Mcneal, G.J., Tontz, P., Smith, T.C., Reyes, J., & Parsons, A. (January 01, 2019). A pilot intervention using professional nursing mentoring to engage prior corpsman nursing students in academic success.. ABNF Journal.

  • Iranfar N., Smith T.C. (March 01, 2018). When Should "Pre" Carry as Much Weight in the Diabetes Comorbidity Debate? Gaining Insight from a Population-Based Survey. Preventing Chronic Disease.

  • Whitmore L., Smith T.C. (January 01, 2018). Isolating the association of sleep, depressed state, and other independent indicators for suicide ideation in United States teenagers. Archives of Suicide Research.

  • Madewell Z., Wester R., Wang W., Smith T.C., Peddecord K, Morris J, Deguzman H, Sawyer M, Mcdonald E. (June 01, 2017). Voluntarily Reported Immunization Registry Data: Reliability and Feasibility to Predict Immunization Rates, San Diego, California, 2013. Public Health Reports.

  • Borelli M., Baer R.J., Chambers C.D., Smith T.C., Jelliffe-Pawlowski L.L.. (February 01, 2017). Critical Congenital Heart Defects and Abnormal Levels of Routinely Collected First- and Second-Trimester Biomarkers. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A.

  • Li X., Bowman S.M., Smith T.C. (November 01, 2016). Effects of Registered Nurse Staffing Level on Hospital-Acquired Conditions in Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis. Nursing Outlook.

  • Smith T.C., Smith B. (March 01, 2016). Trends in Consistency in Physical Activity and Increase in Mental Health in Elderly Over a Decade; Are We Achieving Better Population Health?. AIMS Medical Science.

  • Bender M., Smith T.C. (January 01, 2016). Using administrative mental health indicators in heart failure outcomes research; a comparison of clinical records and ICD-9 coding. Journal of Cardiac Failure.

  • Smith T.C., Smith B. (September 01, 2015). Understanding the Early Signs of Chronic Disease by Investigating the Overlap of Mental Health Needs and Adolescent Obesity. AIMS Public Health.

  • Liu S., Bowman S.M., Smith T.C., Sharar S.R. (May 01, 2015). Trends in pediatric spleen management: Do hospital type and ownership still matter?. J Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.

  • Bender M., Smith T.C., Thompson J., Koucheki A., Holdy K. (April 15, 2015). Predictors of Suboptimal Glycemic Control for Hospitalized Patients with Diabetes: Targets for Clinical Action. J Clinical Outcomes Management.

  • Dr. Tyler C. Smith. (December 15, 2014). Chronic multisymptom illness: a comparison of Iraq and Afghanistan deployers with veterans of the 1991 Gulf War. American J Epidemiology.

  • Ibe A., Smith T.C. (September 15, 2014). Diabetes in US women on the rise independent of increasing BMI and other risk factors; a trend investigation of serial cross-sections.. BMC Public Health.

  • Dr. Tyler C. Smith. (July 31, 2014). Longitudinal assessment of mental disorders, smoking, and hazardous drinking among a population-based cohort of US service members.. J Addict Med.

  • Gumbs, G., Keenan, H., Sevick, C.J., Smith T.C. (October 01, 2013). Infant Abusive Head Trauma in a Military Cohort. Pediatrics.

  • Leardmann, C.A., Ghamsary, M, Gackstetter, G.D., Hooper, T.I., Boyko, Edward E.J., Smith T.C. Et Al. (September 07, 2013). Risk Factors Associated with Suicide in Current and Former US Military Personnel. The Journal of the American Medical Association.

  • Dr. Tyler C. Smith. (July 01, 2011). Linking Exposures and Health Outcomes to a Large Population-Based Longitudinal Study: The Millennium Cohort Study. Military Medicine.

  • Dr. Tyler C. Smith. (October 01, 2009). The US Department of Defense Millennium Cohort Study: career span and beyond longitudinal follow-up. J Occup Environ Med.

  • Smith T.C., Leardmann C.A., Smith B., Jacobson I.G., Ryan M.A. (September 01, 2009). Postdeployment hospitalizations among service members deployed in support of the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Annals of Epidemiology.

  • Jacobson I.G., Smith T.C., Smith B., Keel P.K., Amoroso P.J., Et Al. (February 15, 2009). Disordered eating and weight changes after deployment: longitudinal assessment of a large US military cohort. American Journal of Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Wingard D.L., Ryan M.A., Kritz-Silverstein D., Slymen D.J., Et Al. (January 31, 2009). PTSD prevalence, associated exposures, and functional health outcomes in a large, population-based military cohort. Public Health Reports.

  • Ryan M.A., Smith T.C., Sevick C.J., Honner W.K., Loach R.A., Et Al. (September 15, 2008). Birth defects among infants born to women who received anthrax vaccine in pregnancy. American Journal of Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Wingard D.L., Ryan M.A., Kritz-Silverstein D., Slymen D.J., Et Al. (May 01, 2008). Prior assault and posttraumatic stress disorder after combat deployment. Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Ryan M.A., Wingard D.L., Slymen D.J., Sallis J.F., Et Al. (February 16, 2008). New onset and persistent symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder self reported after deployment and combat exposures: prospective population based US military cohort study. BMJ.

  • Smith B., Smith T.C., Gray G.C., Ryan M.A.. (December 01, 2007). When epidemiology meets the Internet: Web-based surveys in the Millennium Cohort Study. American Journal of Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Jacobson I.G., Smith B., Hooper T.I., Ryan M.A. (August 01, 2007). The occupational role of women in military service: validation of occupation and prevalence of exposures in the Millennium Cohort Study. American Journal of Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Smith B., Jacobson I.G., Corbeil T.E., Ryan M.A. (July 01, 2007). Reliability of standard health assessment instruments in a large, population-based cohort study. Annals of Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Ryan M.A., Smith B., Reed R.J., Riddle J.R., Et Al. (May 16, 2007). Complementary and alternative medicine use among US Navy and Marine Corps personnel. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

  • Smith T.C., Wingard D.L., Smith B., Kritz-Silverstein D., Barrett-Connor E. (March 01, 2007). Walking decreased risk of cardiovascular disease mortality in older adults with diabetes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Wingard D.L., Smith B., Kritz-Silverstein D., Barrett-Connor E.L. (March 01, 2007). Independent of other exercise, walking decreased risk of cardiovascular disease mortality in older adults with diabetes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Smith B., Ryan M.A. (May 08, 2005). Prospective investigation of complementary and alternative medicine use and subsequent hospitalizations. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

  • Smith T.C., Smith B., Corbeil T.E., Riddle J.R., Ryan M.A. (August 01, 2004). Self-reported mental health among US military personnel prior and subsequent to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

  • Smith T.C., Corbeil T.E., Ryan M.A., Heller J.M., Gray G.C. (June 01, 2004). In-theater hospitalizations of US and allied personnel during the 1991 Gulf War. American Journal of Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Jimenez D.L., Smith B., Gray G.C., Hooper T.I., Et Al. (April 01, 2004). The postwar hospitalization experience of Gulf War veterans participating in US health registries. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

  • Smith T.C., Smith B., Corbeil T.E., Riddle J.R., Ryan M.A. (January 01, 2004). Impact of terrorism on caffeine and tobacco use. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

  • Smith T.C., Gray G.C., Weir J.C., Heller J.M., Ryan M.A. (September 01, 2003). Gulf War veterans and Iraqi nerve agents at Khamisiyah: postwar hospitalization data revisited. American Journal of Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Smith B., Ryan M.A., Gray G.C., Hooper T.I., Et Al. (August 01, 2002). Ten years and 100,000 participants later: occupational and other factors influencing participation in US Gulf War health registries. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

  • Smith T.C., Heller J.M., Hooper T.I., Gackstetter G.D., Gray G.C. (May 15, 2002). Are Gulf War veterans experiencing illness due to exposure to smoke from Kuwaiti oil well fires? Examination of Department of Defense hospitalization data. American Journal of Epidemiology.

  • Knoke J.D., Smith T.C., Gray G.C., Kaiser K.S., Hawksworth A.W. (August 15, 2000). Factor analysis of self-reported symptoms: does it identify a Gulf War syndrome?. American Journal of Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Gray G.C., Knoke J.D. (June 01, 2000). Is systemic lupus erythematosus, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or fibromyalgia associated with Persian Gulf War service? An examination of Department of Defense hospitalization data. American Journal of Epidemiology.

  • Smith T.C., Schwertman N.C. (January 01, 1999). Can the NCAA basketball seating be used to predict margin of victory?. American Statistician.