Dr. Julia Buchanan

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Dr. Julia Buchanan

College: College of Business, Engineering, & Technology

Department: Leadership, Management, Human Capital


University of San Diego - PHD - Leadership Studies
Dr. Buchanan is a Professor and Academic Program Director for the master’s degree in Leadership Studies for National University. She completed her PhD in Leadership Studies at the University of San Diego examining Indigenous views of leadership in collaboration with Cree (First Nation) leaders as her dissertation research. As an accomplished former executive director and program director, she specializes in holistic leadership development through all levels of the organization. Dr. Buchanan has over 20 years of experience in teaching graduate courses in leadership, group dynamics, ethics, and research focused on experiential methodology. Her research interests include Indigenous leadership, adaptive leadership, organizational group dynamics, and experiential methodologies for learning leadership.


  • Dr. Julia L. Buchanan. (September 03, 2019). ![CDATA[Leadership for the Conduct of Employees: The Influence of Ethical Culture and Climate]]. The Journal of American Academy of Business Cambri.

  • Dr. Julia L. Buchanan. (December 01, 2017). ![CDATA[Leadership Development and Experiential Methodology: the Impact on Learning Leadership]]. International Journal of Arts and Sciences.

  • Buchanan, J., Donmoyer, R., Makokis, P.. (July 15, 2016). ![CDATA[Access Stories...and a Bit More: A Talking Circle Inspired Discussion]]. Learning Landscape Journal.

  • Dr. Julia L. Buchanan. (October 01, 2013). ![CDATA[Decolonization and Liminality: A reflective process for research as a cooperative and ethical practice.]]. The Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethi.

  • Dr. Julia L. Buchanan. (March 31, 2013). ![CDATA[Book review, Living Indigenous Leadership: Native Narratives on Building Strong Communities, edited by Carolyn Kenny and Tina Ngaroimata for Integral Leadership Review]]. Integral Leadership Review, ISSN 1554-0790.

  • Silverstone, S, Phadungtin, J & Buchanan, J. (August 31, 2009). ![CDATA[Technologies to Support Effective Learning in the 21st Century]]. Advanced Technologies.

  • Buchowicz, B. And Buchanan J. L.. (October 01, 2008). ![CDATA[Level Four MBA Program Design]]. Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences.

  • Dr. Julia L. Buchanan. (January 01, 2008). ![CDATA[Developing Leadership Capacity Through Organizational Learning]]. Journal of College Teaching and Learning.

  • Dr. Julia L. Buchanan. (May 30, 2003). ![CDATA[The Eugene Cadre: A study of a Self Sustaining Organizational Development Group]]. Thesis, University of San Diego.


  • (2022-04-23). Incorporating Indigenous Methods Into Arts-Based Research. American Education Research Association conference. Symposium: Updating Eisner: Incorporating Indigenous and Digital Inquiry Into Arts-Based Educational Research. San Diego, Ca..
  • (2021-10-25). Reimagining Leadership Research Together: Indigenous and Western Perspectives. International Leadership Association. Hybrid Conference, Virtual.
  • (2019-10-26). The Use of Dialogue in Leadership Development and Education: Orchestrating Vulnerability and Chaos. Presented at the International Leadership Association. Ottawa, Canada.
  • (2019-05-31). Leadership for the Conduct of Employees: the influence of ethical culture and climate.. Presentation at The Econ, Finance, Global Mgmt, Accounting, IT, Mktg, MIS, Healthcare Mgmt Research Conference.. Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • (2018-05-30). Leadership Development and Generative Learning: the impact of dialogue for learning and developing leadership capacity in organizations.. American Canadian Conference on Business and Economics. Montreal, Canada.
  • (2017-06-26). Leadership Development and Experiential Learning: the impact on learning leadership. International Conference for Business and Economics. Vienna, Austria.
  • (2016-05-24). Leadership in the Post Industrial Context. The International Journal of Arts and Science's Conference for Business and Economics. Boston, MA.
  • (2014-10-30). An Applied Approach to Using Business Principles to Solve Social Problems.. International Leadership Association Conference. San Diego, Ca.
  • (2014-10-29). Reclaiming Indigenous Cree Conceptions of Leadership.. The International Leadership Association Conference. San Diego, Ca.
  • (2013-10-01). Leadership Models for the Next Generation. The International Association of Arts and Sciences' Conference. Rome, Italy.
  • (2012-10-01). Liminal Passages: The Threat and Promise of Leadership in Uncertain Times.. The International Leadership Association Conference. Denver, Colorado.
  • (2012-05-11). An Access Story: A Talking Circle Inspired Discussion.. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
  • (2010-10-25). Embracing Worldwide Leadership Traditions for the Next Generation.. Peer Reviewed Conference of the International Leadership Association. Boston, MA.
  • (2008-11-14). Shaping Future Leadership Programs: The Scholar Practitioner Approach and the Power of Community to Dissertation Completion.. Peer Reviewed Conference of the International Leadership Association. Los Angeles, Ca.
  • (2007-02-24). The Impact of Culture to Leadership Development in Organizations.. Proceedings of the American Association of Business and Behavioral Sciences. Las Vegas, NV.
  • (2006-05-27). Impact of Anxiety on Learning. Hawaii International Conference on Business. Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • (2005-05-06). Mobilizing People for Adaptive Work: The Study of an Organizational Development Cadre in an Organization.. Proceedings of the International Business Association. Vancouver, Canada.
  • (2005-02-28). Leadership from a Collective; the Study of a Group Exercising Effective Leadership in an Organization.. Conference of the American Association of Business and Behavioral Sciences. Las Vegas, NV.
  • (2005-02-25). How Do Women Gain Power Through Relationships and Business Connections?. American Association of Business and Behavioral Sciences. Las Vegas, NV.