Dr. Jack Hamlin

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Dr. Jack Hamlin

College: College of Law and Public Service

Department: School of Public Service


University of San Diego - JD - Law
Professor Hamlin holds degrees in Sociology and Psychology from San Diego State University, a Master's degree in Forensic Sciences from National University a Juris Doctorate from the University of San Diego, School of Law, and an International Law Certificate from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. After careers, which included psychological research for the Center for Prisoner of War Studies in the 70's, Law Enforcement in the 80's, a trial lawyer from the late 80's, and Judge Pro Tem in the San Diego County Superior Court, Family Branch, he began his final career path, teaching in 2003. He has taught courses in Law, Criminal Justice, ADR, Homeland Security and Sociology. For ten years he served as the Program Director for the Alternative Dispute Resolution program at National University, during which time he published and lectured nationally and internationally regarding conflict transformation and restorative justice, including presentations before the Parliament of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium, and the Irish Dail. After serving for six years, as Department Chair for Professional Studies, where he oversaw nine programs, he has returned to full-time teaching and leads the Masters in Conflict Resolution Studies. For eight years, he was a senior mediator and instructor for the San Diego Restorative Justice Mediation Program. He continues to facilitate one on one victim-offender mediations and large-scale community forums.


  • Hamlin, J.B., Price, Margaret. (January 17, 2019). Mediation in High-Conflict Disputes Involving Special Needs. Mediation in High-Conflict Disputes Involving Spec.

  • Dr. Jack B. Hamlin. (November 30, 2018). The Costs of a College-Bound Special Needs Child After Divorce. The American Journal of Family Law.

  • Dr. Jack B. Hamlin. (September 08, 2015). Using Special Needs Trusts in Divorce Cases. Family Advocate, ABA Section of the Family Law.

  • Dr. Jack B. Hamlin. (July 17, 2015). Nurturing the West from a Well in the East: The Integration of East Asian Spiritual Philosophy in Western Conflict Transformation. World Journal of Social Sciences.

  • Dr. Jack B. Hamlin. (July 01, 2014). The Cultural Context of Restorative Justice: Journeys through Our Cultural Forests to a Well-Spring of Healing. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law.

  • Dr. Jack B. Hamlin. (July 01, 2014). The Semiotics of Restorative Justice: The Healing Garden Nurtured from the Well-Spring of Signs, Symbols and Language. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law.

  • Dr. Jack B. Hamlin. (June 01, 2012). Peace Circle use in Large Scale Community Conflict: A Case Study. Conflict Resolution Quarterly.

  • Dr. Jack B. Hamlin. (December 01, 2011). Restorative Justice: An Answer to the Call of the Gospel of St. Mark for Service and Reconciliation. International Journal of Humanities & Social Scien.

  • Hunter, E.J., Rose, S.J. Hamlin, J.B.. (January 17, 1978). Women in the Military: An Annotated Bibliography. Armed Forces and Society.


  • (2019-09-17). From Acorn to Oak: Growing your Outreach Program through Community and Service Integration. panel presentation with Merlynn Watanabe, 2019 San Diego Hunger Conference. San Diego, CA.
  • (2019-07-24). Effective Classroom Strategies for Adult Learner Engagement. International Conference on Learning. Belfast, Ulster.
  • (2019-03-09). Old Dogs and New Tricks: Facilitating Implementations of Contemporary Academic Technology with an Aging Teaching Population. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 26th Annual Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • (2017-11-11). Book' em: Conversations About Crime. panel presentation with Anne Schlitt, Leroy Rowe, Tessy Seward, Kate Gaudet, National Humanities Conference. Boston, Massachusetts.
  • (2017-03-01). Academic Freedom & Responsibility: The Impact of Internal Assessment and External Accreditation. panel presentation with Drs. Sidney Castle & Peggy Ranke, National University Spring Symposium. San Diego, California.
  • (2016-05-01). A Pirate Looks Back at 60: An Aging Work Population, Escapism and the Jimmy Buffett Syndrome. panel presentation with Ms. Shirley Rehkopf, Chaminade University. Oahu, Hawaii.
  • (2016-03-01). The New Kid on the Block: AAUP at NU. panel presentation with Dr. G. Beckwith, Dr. A. Zukas, Dr., and Prof. P. Chips. San Diego, California.
  • (2016-03-01). Technological Challenges to Academic Freedom in the Classroom. panel presentation with Dr. D. Waschak and Dr. D. Thorburn, San Diego, California, National University Spring Symposium. San Diego, California.
  • (2016-02-01). Victim Offender Dialogue: Hope for Healing and Forgiveness: Criminal Justice System-based Programs for Adults. Panel discussion, San Diego Regional Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices Summit. San Diego, California.
  • (2016-02-01). The Circle Process. Workshop, with Dr. Daniel Stacey (Circles4Change) San Diego Regional Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices Summit. San Diego, California.
  • (2016-02-01). So You Want an AAUP Chapter, Now What. panel discussion, Californian AAUP, 13th Annual Meeting, San Diego State University. San Diego, California.
  • (2015-09-01). Promoting Mental Health & Well-being, Post-Traumatic Stress in the Treatment of Violence. panel discussion, European Union 2020 Horizon and Innovation Programme 2014-2020, European Union Parliament. Brussels, Belgium.
  • (2014-10-01). International Restorative Justice. Restorative Justice Conference hosted by the Catholic Dioceses of San Diego. San Diego, California.
  • (2014-06-01). Restorative Justice: The movement of restorative justice from a punitive/retribution model by taking the injured party to a restored status. 26th Annual CAPA Educational Conference. San Diego, California.
  • (2014-04-01). Suicide: A Longitudinal Study of a Holistic Approach for Prevention, Intervention & Bereavement. Innovative Medicine: Suicide Prevention Seminar, European Parliament Office. Dublin, Ireland.
  • (2014-03-01). The Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: A Historical Beta Test for the European Union and the Lisbon Treaty 2007. The Common European Constitutional Culture ¿ Its Sources, Limits and Identity, Centre for Theory and Philosophy of Human Rights, The Supreme Administrative Court of the Republic of Poland and The Faculty of Law and Administration. Warsaw, Poland.
  • (2014-02-01). Restorative Justice Principles for Suicide Prevention and Intervention in a Holistic Approach. Irish Dail. Dublin, Ireland.
  • (2013-10-01). Shame: Breaking the Spiral through Restorative Justice. Mental Health through Natural Means Seminar (European Federation of Naturopathy & Irish Institute of Naturopathy) European Union Parliament. Brussels, Belgium.
  • (2013-04-01). Addressing Higher Education Remediation & Retention through a Process of Shared Governance. Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines (International Journal of Arts & Sciences. Paris, France.
  • (2013-03-01). Retention & Remediation at National University: A Case Study. National University Spring Symposium, National University. La Jolla, California.
  • (2013-03-01). Academic Freedom and Responsibility: A Multi-perspective Discussion of the Considerations for Teaching. National University Spring Symposium, National University. La Jolla, California.
  • (2013-03-01). National University Students Speak: A Student Panel discussion addressing the needs of a Diverse Student Population. National University Spring Symposium, National University. La Jolla, California.
  • (2012-09-01). Nurturing the West from a Well in the East: The Integration of East Asian Spiritual Philosophy in Western Conflict Transformation. National University Research & Scholarship Conference, National University Academic Assembly. La Jolla, California.
  • (2011-11-01). Beyond Just the Fact MaÆam; A Pre-Mediation Interview Workshop. Wellington, New Zealand.
  • (2011-10-01). Copyright issues and the Academic; Librarian and faculty collaboration: creating a comfort level. San Diego, CA.
  • (2011-10-01). Peace Circle use in Large Scale Community Conflict: A Case Study. San Diego, CA.
  • (2011-09-01). From the Acorn of Ideas to a Tree of Concepts: The Professor and the Law Librarian compare Copyright Notes û Paper to the Digital Age. La Jolla, CA.
  • (2011-03-01). Peace Circle use in Large Scale Community Conflict. Santa Ana, CA.
  • (2010-05-01). The Trestle's Saga: A Case Study of sub-culture integration in the manipulation of political, social and economic direction in preserving a natural resource. Honolulu, HI.
  • (2010-03-01). Restorative Justice: An Answer to the Call of the Gospel of St. Mark for Service and Reconciliation. San Diego, CA.
  • (2010-02-01). Developing Community Based Restorative Justice Programs. San Diego, CA.
  • (2009-06-01). Teaching Communication Skills to Mediators: The importance of perspective & neutrality when facilitating mediation.. Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
  • (2008-07-01). Hey dude! That's my wave! Identification and recognition of the legal impacts of the internet on the Southern California surfing sub-culture. Boulogne-sur-Mer, France.
  • (2008-01-01). HeÆeh Nalu: Historical and Cultural Components of Surfing (roundtable)öThe Southern California Surf Culture as an Emerging Sub-culture and the Impact of Law. Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii.
  • (2006-09-01). IRAC; The use of Analytical Legal writing style as a Measure of Student comprehension. San Diego, CA.
  • (2006-06-01). The Legal and Anthropological Evolution of Southern California Aloha Culture through Semiotics. University of Wollongong. Wollongong, Australia.
  • (2006-04-01). You've Got to Be Carefully Taught: Governmental Profiling as a Catalyst for Societal Desentsitization toward Race, Ethnic, and Religious Discrimination; a Pilot Study. Universite du Littoral. Cote d'Opale, France.
  • (2006-02-01). You've Got to Be Carefully Taught: Governmental Profiling as a Catalyst for Societal Desentsitization toward Race, Ethnic, and Religious Discrimination. Las Vegas, NV.