Dr. Nilsa Thorsos
- California Association on Teacher Education
- Council for Exceptional Children
- American Educational Research Association
- National Association for Bilingual Education
- Association for Supervision of Curriculum and Development
- American Montessori Society
- International Dyslexia Association
- Delta Kappa Gamma - Delta Phi
- Learning Disabilities Association of America
- International Reading Association
- Dr. Nilsa J. Thorsos. (August 15, 2018). Bilingualism in Puerto Rico: Social cultural, linguistic, and political perspectives. International Bilingualism/Bilingual Education: Po.
- Johannessen, B. G., Thorsos, N. J., & Dickinson, G. (August 15, 2018). Politics and policies affecting practices in bilingual teacher preparation programs in USA: A tale of two programs. International Bilingualism/Bilingual Education: Po.
- Johannessen, G. B., Thorsos, N. J., & Dickinson, G. (January 01, 2016). Current conditions of bilingual teacher preparation programs in public universities in USA. Education and Society.
- Johannessen, G., & Thorsos, N.. (November 08, 2012). Constructivist teaching model for digital learners.. The International Journal of Case Research & Appli.
- Dr. Nilsa J. Thorsos. (October 12, 2011). The ABCs of spiritual principles for "growing" a healthy learning environment..
- Dr. Nilsa J. Thorsos. (May 12, 2010). A Spiritual Tool Box of Compassion: Christian Special Education Teachers in Secular Settings. Foundations: Christian Perspectives on Disability.
- Dr. Nilsa J. Thorsos. (October 12, 2008). Review of the book Catch a Falling Reader by Herbert, C. [Catch a Falling Reader].. (Magazine/Journal).
- Williams, H.E., Warren, S., Pacino, A., Foy, T., Bond, T., Hedlund, B., Yee-Sakamoto, I., Thorsos, N. (August 01, 2007). Practice what you preach: The state of diversity in the School of Education. Diversity Monograph.
- (n.d.). Motivating 21st Century Learners. Teachers of Vision Magazine.
- Dr. Nilsa J. Thorsos. (n.d.). Christian special education teachers responding to the call to serve: The perception of disability with a Christian worldview lens.. International Christian Community for Teacher Educ.
- (2018-04-01). (Paper). Global Conference on Education and Research. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- (2017-11-01). Engaging readers through Exploration of inclusive literature. Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers conference. St Petersburg, Florida.
- (2017-07-01). Acceptance through inclusive children's literature. International Literacy Association Conference. Orlando, Florida.
- (2017-06-01). Inclusive literature: Challenges and Enjoyment. International Association of Special Education. Perth, Australia.
- (2017-02-01). Effective mentoring & supervision practices for special education teacher candidates. California Association of Resource Specialist Plus (CARS+). Sacramento, CA.
- (2015-08-12). The Importance of Policy and Community: The Role of Statewide Professional Associations. Paper presented at the California Council on Teacher Education. San Jose, CA.
- (2015-04-08). Synergy, care, and constructive Chaos: Conceptualizing the dynamics of an international global co-mentoring network. Paper presented at the American Educators Research Association. Chicago, Ill.
- (2015-04-07). Lived experiences of women in academia: Shaping and reshaping mentoring and scholarship. Paper presentation at the American Education Research Association. Chicago, Ill.
- (2015-03-06). Achieving global competency: Bilingual competency and the tale of two programs.. Paper presented at the National Associations Bilingual Education. Las Vegas, NV.
- (2015-02-12). Teaching Digital Learners with Free and Low-Cost Apps.. Paper presented at the California Association of Resource Specialist Plus. Sacramento, CA..
- (2015-02-11). California Master Teachers Legacy: Effective Mentoring & Supervision Practices for Special Education teacher Candidates. Paper presented at the California Association of Resource Specialist Plus (CARS+) conference. Sacramento, CA.
- (2014-04-07). Dynamics of Tensions and a Sense of Belonging in an Informal Peer Mentoring Community of Women Faculty. American Educational Research Association, .. Philadelphia, PA.
- (2014-01-06). Perspectives on Bilingual Education Teacher Preparation Programs in the United States.. Sixteenth Creative Teaching Conference ( ACT 16),. Paris , France.
- (2013-04-08). Transnational Peer Mentoring Sustenance (or Sustaining) for Women Faculty.. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association,. San Francisco, CA.
- (2013-02-05). Mentoring and preparing Master Special Education teachers: clinical experience suppor. Paper presented at California Association of Resource Specialist. Oakland, CA.
- (2012-10-08). Meaningful connections from theory to practice: IHE's and SELPA's collaboration. Paper presentation at the Closing the Gap conference. Minessota, MN.
- (2012-05-08). Responding to the call to serve: Christian special educators as servant leaders. Paper presented at the International Christian Community for Teacher Educators. Azusa, CA.
- (2012-05-07). Mentorship in higher education: servant leaders ensuring successors in the 21st centur. Paper presented at the International Christian Community for Teacher Educators. Azusa, CA.
- (2012-04-03). Knowing the "Other" Latino Student is Not Enough: Teaching the US-Born English Language Learner in CAlifornia. Paper presentation at the American Educators Research Association. New Orleans, LA.
- (2011-12-07). Preparing teachers to meet the needs of service teachers in a globalized society.. Paper presentation ACT14 Creative Teaching Conference.. Seville, Spain.
- (2011-11-15). Special education services in faith- based elementary schools. Paper presentation at the Association of Christian Schools International. Anahein, CA.
- (2011-10-12). Preparing faculty to meet the needs of pre-service teachers in a globalized societ. Paper presented at the California Council on Teacher Education conference. San DIego, CA.
- (2011-04-02). Breaking the Code: Strategies to Survive in Academia. American Educators Research Association (AERA). New Orleans, LA.
- (2011-03-15). Special education in the new millennium: Responding to the calling to teach.. Paper presented at the Common Day of Learning, Azusa Pacific University,. Azusa, CA.
- (2011-01-06). Utilizing a case study approach in tier 3 of RtI: Ensuring effective intervention for diverse underperforming students.. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
- (2011-01-05). Developing Science Vocabulary Through the Integration of Latin and Greek Etymology: An Application of the Calla Model to a Secondary Science Curriculum for ELL Students.. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
- (2010-07-08). Response to interventions: Utilizing effective family literacy practices for culturally diverse Young language learners.. Paper presented at the 23rd World Congress on Reading,. Auckland, New Zealand..
- (2010-05-06). Calling to teach: impact of faith integration in teacher training and Master's programs.. Paper presented at the International Community of Christian Teachers Educators conference. Longfelow, TX..
- (2010-05-06). Faith and learning for children with Asperger Syndrome: What does recent research say. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial International Community of Christian Teacher Educators Conference, School of Education,. Longview, TX.
- (2010-04-08). Using response to intervention in emotional/behavioral disorder eligibility determination with at-risk adolescents.. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference. Nashvile, TN.
- (2010-04-07). Using Response to Intervention in Emotional/Behavioral disorder eligibility determination with at Risk. Paper presented at the Council Exceptional Children. Nashville, TN.
- (2009-10-06). Digital immigrant & Digital natives: Overcoming the 'digital divide' of professors and teacher candidates. Paper presentation at the California Council on Teacher Education. San Diego, CA.
- (2009-01-08). Stress and anxiety in the classroom: the role of educators in the effective response to intervention of learners of internalizing problem. Workshop presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, H.
- (2009-01-07). Effective Use of Web 2.0 in the Classroom from a Practitionary's viewpoint: Going Beyond Podcasting and implementing VMSCasting, Screencasting, and Instant Messaging.. . Paper presented at the 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
- (2009-01-06). Integrating Response to Intervention with Neuropsychology: A Brain-Based Model for Identification and Intervention with Students.. Workshop presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education,. Honolulu, HI.
- (2008-12-09). The impact of Puerto Rico's political status on the implementation of special education services. Paper presented at the World Association for Cooperative Education, 7th Annual International Symposium on Work Integrated Learning in Conjunction with the Compostela. Madrid, Spain.
- (2008-08-06). Where does technology live in your life? Shifting practices in the ivory tower for full integration of technology-enhanced instruction.. Poster presented at World Association for Cooperative Education 7th Annual International Symposium on Work Integrated Learning in Conjunction with the Compostela. Madrid, Spain.
- (2008-07-09). Assistive Technology in Special Education Credential Program.. Paper presented at the Education & Information Systems, Technologies & Applications. Orlando, Florida.
- (2008-01-03). The structure for inequality of services for social education students in Puerto Rico: Examining How the current implementation of IDEA 04 in the education system in Puerto Rico.. Paper presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
- (2008-01-03). Facilitating perspective teachers' multicultural awareness: the 'gibberish experience'. Paper Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
- (2007-01-03). Preservice Teachers: How Service-learning Impacts their Perceptions of Special Education and Worldview.. Paper Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
- (2006-06-19). Educational Internship in California: Structures, Challenges and Effectiveness,. Paper presentation at the World Association for Cooperative Education Asia Pacific Conference. Shanghai, China.
- (2006-01-04). Impact of the partnership between school districts and universities: The role of an advisory board.. Paper presentation at Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
- (2005-04-05). Pedagogy of the Heart: A Self Study of Doctoral Students. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association,. Montreal, Canada.
- (2005-03-02). Seeing with new eyes-The roles of academic study, faith, and practical application in teacher education.. Paper presented at the Coalition of Christian Teacher Educators Conference. Virginia Beach, VA..
- (2005-01-04). Strategies for Discussing the Impact of Race, Class and Culture in the schools and the workplace.. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education,. Honolulu, HI.
- (2005-01-04). Investigating the Role of Principals in the Implementation of IDEA'S 2000 Mandate for Inclusionary Practices in Two Southern California School Districts.. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE). Honolulu, HI.
- (2001-04-09). New Mexico dropouts' study: Update on students with disabilities. presentation at the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.