Office of Graduate Studies

Putting Passion into Practice™

Empowering Graduate Students With Cohesive Support & Resources

The Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) team is dedicated to creating innovative multimodal learning experiences that empower all NU Students. Our mission is to support and promote the personal and academic development of all graduate students with a commitment to partnering with and supporting our schools and departments across NU.

Helping You Succeed in Graduate School

We encourage students to seek the support of the OGS whenever and however needed.  We champion our students and faculty through cohesive strategic support, resources and options – serving as the first place students can go for assistance within their graduate school journey.

Hear from Our Students About the Dissertation Experience at NU

DCP is a structured pathway for students with all but dissertation (ABD) recognizing the student’s past academic coursework while providing the knowledge and emotional support needed to complete their doctoral research. The DCP approach offers ABD students the individual guidance and attention they deserve, including uniquely designed beginning bridge courses utilizing the 1:1 faculty mentoring model.

The Graduate Studies Support Center (GSSC) at National University is dedicated to ensuring every graduate student’s academic success and providing faculty with the necessary tools and resources to excel in teaching in the 1:1 faculty mentoring model. The ultimate goal of the GSSC is the creation of an engaged graduate culture.

The services offered by the GSSC include:

  • On-demand resource centers available 24/7: GSSCDissertation CenterApplied Doctoral Center.
  • Live Power Hours, workshops, and Skill Ups offered weekly.
  • Live chat with Alumni Navigators available evenings and weekends.
  • Submit a question 24/7.
  • Student orientation roadmaps – live and on-demand.
  • One-to-one faculty training.

The Dissertation Center Home – Dissertation Center – LibGuides at Northcentral University ( and Applied Doctoral Center Home – Applied Doctoral Center – LibGuides at Northcentral University ( are a collection of resources to support students in completing their dissertation as part of the Doctoral Student Experience (DSE) and Applied Doctoral Experience (ADE).  Each center is separated into a collection of guides supporting doctoral students throughout their dissertation journey to include:

  • Dissertation/Dissertation-in-Practice Manuals
  • Manuscript Templates
  • Chapter/Section Rubrics
  • Support Videos and Examples
  • Sample Student Defenses
  • Poster Presentation and Research Award Information

The Academic Success Center (ASC) actively collaborates with faculty to deliver innovative services and resources that surpass industry standards, setting an example for providing unparalleled support to students and faculty. Academic coaches in the ASC are committed to guiding students towards achieving their academic goals. Beyond fostering proficiency in written communication and quantitative reasoning, coaches extend support to areas such as legal writing, research methodology, design, and research analysis.

The Proofreading Service provides students with a trustworthy alternative to hiring outside editors who might not be familiar with our institution’s process or overcharge for their services. The Academic Success Center proofreaders understand the expectations of earning a degree and are only focused on student success.

The ASC’s Alumni Navigators play a crucial role in aiding students as they navigate their courses, set goals, develop effective time management strategies, and maintain a growth mindset. Through a seamless collaboration between coaches, proofreaders, and Navigators, the ASC ensures a robust wrap-around service that comprehensively supports the success of each student.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ National University provides access to the dissertations found in ProQuest that were produced by students at this university. The search screen is exactly like PQDT, but already includes the institution limiter for National University and Northcentral University. This is the best resource for locating dissertations on your topic area, specifically from this university. Remember, searching ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ National University will produce a narrow set of results than the PQDT Global database, which searches many institutions.

Submit your Dissertations and Theses to ProQuest here.

National University ProQuest: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ National University

Global ProQuest: ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global – Full Text

To view the Dissertation of the Year award winners, see our FAQ by clicking here.

The Advanced Research Center serves as a hub for alumni, students, faculty, and staff pursuing scholarly publications, presentations, and research.  Connect with other scholars and find helpful guidance on publishing and presenting your work.

The Dissertation Boot Camps aim to provide a highly personalized and rigorous in-person experience, led by expert teaching faculty and critical support team members for students who need a little bit more hands-on approach. With a focus on student completion, these boot camps facilitate timely completion of doctoral studies by offering region-specific, season-based events and a robust facilitator selection program. By engaging faculty, utilizing existing platforms, and prioritizing excellence in feedback and learning, the boot camps ensure a high-quality experience. The Dissertation Boot Camps foster a sense of community, enabling ongoing support and guidance as students’ progress through the program, thereby enhancing the graduate culture and student experience.

The Virtual Dissertation Preparedness Series aims to provide targeted support for doctoral students enrolled in 1:1 faculty mentoring model, fostering a quick understanding of crucial dissertation/project topics. Through power-packed 60-minute sessions led by experienced doctoral Chairs, this tier offers valuable information, interactive opportunities, and a safe virtual learning environment. Its mission is to enhance the successful completion of students’ dissertation/project research, particularly for those from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

The Office of Graduate Studies team oversees the Dissertation of the Year (DOY) and Poster of the Year (POY) processes. The office also works with doctoral students eligible for graduation by submitting a poster for the poster session held during graduation. This allows doctoral students to display their research among other researchers.

The Office of Graduate Studies coordinates the President’s Circle process by working with the faculty and staff of each school for nominations to the President’s Circle annually.  One student per degree program of each school is nominated. The President’s Circle Selection Committee will review nominations and conduct interviews to make recommendations to the Deans who will make the final selection decision.

Students are selected based on academic excellence, leadership today and tomorrow, the ability to represent NU, personal character, initiative, potential for impact, and other special circumstances. The primary objective of this award is to acknowledge and celebrate academic excellence and the potential of National University students to have a profound and positive impact on the world. Each year’s winners are featured on the NU website and may be included in other content such as books, social media, grant and foundation presentations, and more. They receive special accolades at commencement, including a certificate, and wear President’s Circle cords.

National University (NU) is committed to creating a graduate culture through supporting innovation in research and scholarly contributions to society from students (current and alumni). These awards are to recognize completed student research publications, poster sessions, and conference presentations.

National University (NU) is committed to our core pillar of “Graduate Culture” by supporting research innovation and scholarly contributions to society by faculty and students. To maintain our commitment to a graduate culture, NU offers several research funding opportunities for faculty and staff. These include Faculty Research Support Awards and one-time payments to recognize faculty research publications, poster sessions, and conference presentations. The availability of these funds is subject to annual budget approvals, subsequent distribution to, and usage by faculty. For more information on these annual awards, please contact [email protected].

University and School Awards – Dean’s Selections and Nominations

Excellence in Teaching Award

This award recognizes a faculty member from your school who has gone beyond the faculty role and responsibility to ensure student success. This individual not only meets the expectation of the role but has successfully demonstrated a higher level of commitment to teaching excellence. One part-time and one full-time faculty receives the award.

Excellence in Scholarship Award

This award is given to one individual from your school who published and/or presented scholarly research on behalf of the University. One part-time and one full-time faculty receives the award.

Outstanding Dissertation Chair Award

This award honors a faculty member from your school who has gone beyond the faculty role and responsibility to ensure student success in the dissertation process. This individual not only meets the expectation of the faculty role but has successfully demonstrated a higher level of commitment to excellence. One part-time and one full-time faculty receives the award.

Service to the School Award

This award honors a faculty member (part-time or full-time) or staff member from your school who goes beyond their role and responsibility to ensure the success of the school. These individuals work beyond the call of duty, often taking on last minute projects or outstanding items. They are always willing to serve the school.

Jerry C. Lee President’s Award

This award recognizes an employee or a team who made a marked impact on NU achieving its Mission and advancing its Ways of Work. Your nomination will be presented to the University President for consideration.

Hokstad/Wilcox Spirit Award

This award recognizes a National University staff member who goes beyond their role and displays consistent support and service to the university, enthusiasm in providing that support and service, and willingness to be available when needed. Your nomination will be presented to the Provost for consideration.

Innovation Award

This award recognizes a full-time faculty or staff member who has gone beyond their role to create and implement innovative programs, practices, partnerships, and/or policies toward NU’s ability to serve students. Your nomination will be sent to the Provost for consideration.

Outstanding Teaching Award

This award recognizes a full-time faculty member who has gone beyond the faculty role and responsibility to ensure student success. This individual not only meets the expectation of the role but has successfully demonstrated

We are the initiative owners for the research case of the Wonder’s AI software. As the initiative owners, we are responsible for working with the Wonder’s AI staff over the next several months to prototype how the Wonder’s AI software can be used to assist faculty and students to enhance the quality of their scholarly research.

Contact Us

Contact us at [email protected]