Academic Operations
Academic Operations, under the leadership of Veronica Garcia, includes the Office of the Registrar, Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs, and Student Business Services. These departments are critical components to access, retention, completion and student success at National University.
Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar manages student records, as well as regulatory compliance, class scheduling, catalog development, institutional policy administration, document processing, transcript evaluation, and auditing for degree completion.
Student Business Services
Student Business Services partners with students to fulfill their financial obligations through high-quality customer service, verifying available financial resources, and facilitating financial solutions.
Financial Aid
Increases opportunities for student access, retention, and completion by helping new and current students obtain and make the best use of federal, state, and private financial resources to help make their academic goals attainable.
Veteran Affairs
Veteran Affairs serves active-duty military and Veteran students and their dependents using VA educational assistance through verification and certification of military benefits to increase access, retention, and completion.