NU Podcasts
Social Sciences & Psychology

Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology (California-JFK)

Social Sciences & Psychology

In the fascinating world of the Social Sciences & Psychology category, curiosity takes center stage. These podcasts delve into the intricacies of human behavior, societal structures, and the mind's inner workings. Listeners are invited to explore the captivating aspects of human society, ranging from interpersonal relationships to macro-social phenomena.

Podcasts in this category span a broad spectrum of subjects, such as cognitive psychology, social norms, cultural diversity, behavioral economics, and more. They offer a unique platform for in-depth interviews, thoughtful discussions, storytelling, and expert analysis. By offering a blend of empirical studies and personal anecdotes, these podcasts provoke self-reflection, foster critical thinking, and stimulate conversations about the world we live in and the people we share it with.

Whether you're a student, a professional in the field, or simply an inquisitive mind, the Social Sciences & Psychology podcast category provides a wealth of knowledge and an exciting journey into understanding the social and psychological facets of our lives.


Our Social Sciences & Psychology Podcasts

Understanding Social Media’s Role in Modern Relationships
Understanding Social Media’s Role in Modern Relationships

Listen Nowto Understanding Social Media’s Role in Modern Relationships
A woman sits holding someone's hand. Their faces are out of frame.
Mental Health Counseling: Navigating Life’s Challenges

Listen Nowto Mental Health Counseling: Navigating Life’s Challenges
man sitting with his head in his hands
How to Handle Information Overload and Stop Doomscrolling

Listen Nowto How to Handle Information Overload and Stop Doomscrolling
cancer clinical trials image of a doctor reading a book on the subject
Mental Health and the Importance of Community Support

Listen Nowto Mental Health and the Importance of Community Support
Tips to Improve Memory Exploring Cognitive Science
Tips to Improve Memory: Exploring Cognitive Science

Listen Nowto Tips to Improve Memory: Exploring Cognitive Science
How to Fix a Short Attention Span Regaining Focus
How to Fix a Short Attention Span: Regaining Focus

Listen Nowto How to Fix a Short Attention Span: Regaining Focus