Sanford College of Education Academic Leadership Team

Dr. Robert Lee, EdD

Dean, Sanford College of Education and Regional Vice President, Los Angeles

Kim Levey, EdD

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Sanford College of Education

Brianna Parsons, EdD

Associate Dean of Faculty, Sanford College of Education

Brian Endfinger, PhD

Director of Curriculum, Sanford College of Education

Patricia Heydet-Kirsch, EdD

Director of Assessment, Accreditation and Clinical Practice, Sanford College of Education

Katie Buvoltz, PhD

Associate Director, Faculty Support and Development, Sanford College of Education

Katelyn Brown

Operations Manager, Sanford College of Education

Tamra Moya, MA

Manager of Dean Support, Sanford College of Education

Nilsa J. Thorsos, PhD

Professor & Chair, Teacher Education Department, Sanford College of Education

Susanne James, PhD

Chair, Special Education Department, Sanford College of Education

Ronald D. Morgan, EdD

Professor and Department Chair of ABA, School Psychology and Educational Counseling programs in the Sanford College of Education

Dina Pacis, EdD

Professor & Chair, Organizational Leadership and Educational Administration, Sanford College of Education

Meghann Caitlin O’Connor, MS

Director, ASPIRE (Advancing Student Progress through an Innovative Residency Experience) Project, Sanford College of Education

Nenit Wills, MA

Senior Director, Credentials & Licensure, Sanford College of Education