Alternate Media
Alternate media services will only be provided to students registered with National University’s Student Accessibility Services (SAS), who are currently approved for this accommodation.
Upon request, alternate media services can be provided to convert required and recommended course reading material—such as textbooks, electronic documents, exams, and other print materials—into accessible formats, such as:
- RTF (rich text format), DOCX (Word), searchable PDF (portable document format), HTML or MathML (mathematics output)
- KESI, WAV, MP3 or DAISY (specialized audio)
- Large Print
- Tactile Graphic
- Braille
There is a wide range of electronic text formats. Always check at the time of purchase whether an electronic (and often cheaper) version is available and meets your needs. Free training, orientation, and assistance is available for students registered with Student Accessibility Services. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Alternate Media Tips
- When available, please first consider purchasing your materials in an electronic format. A wide variety of choices for purchase or rental are available via National University TextDirect. Often electronic textbooks are available at a significantly lower cost to you.
- Alternatively, VitalSource.com is another supported e-textbook vendor, which offers each account holder the free Bookshelf App with both text zoom and text-to-speech capability.
- Once registered and approved for alternate media, please review the Overview of Accessible Formats and consider your preferred media format and platform.
Alternate Media Request Guidelines
- Students must be registered with Student Accessibility Services and approved for alternate media prior to submitting a request. Please see Getting Started for help with registration.
- Students must be enrolled in a course and provide proof of purchase for the requested course materials.
- Alternate media requests must be made by completing the Alternate Media Production Request Form.
- Four to six weeks is the typical lead time required for copyright permission and textbook conversion. In the case of braille, however, a minimum of three months advanced notice is necessary.
If you are unfamiliar with the software or hardware necessary to make use of your alternate media, assistive technology training is available via phone, Zoom, or office appointment. You are encouraged to download an Overview of Accessible Formats and Assistive Technology.
For general inquiries, contact [email protected]. For help with assistive technology and alternate media, contact [email protected] or 858-521-3967.