Frequently Asked Questions
Behavioral Intervention Team FAQs
Who can submit a referral?
Anyone can report a concern about a student. Faculty and staff are encouraged to use the Student Referral Form. Students and community members are encouraged to report a concern to a faculty or staff member, and it is the responsibility of the University official to complete the referral.
Should I approach the student first?
Whenever possible, you should express your concern(s) directly with the student. Communicate concern for their wellbeing, and – when appropriate – let them know a University staff member will be following up. However, should you have any concern about serious escalation of threats or other safety issues, go ahead and complete the Student Referral Form without speaking with the student. Always remember to contact the appropriate law enforcement agency (usually by dialing 911) if you have reason to believe a community member represents an immediate threat to themselves or others.
What if I’m not ready to make a referral, but I just need some advice about handling a student issue?
You can always contact Student Wellness for consultation on a concern at [email protected] or (858) 541-7784. They can provide tips, ideas, and resources on how to approach a situation. Outside of traditional business hours, call the 24/7 staff & faculty support line through TimelyCare (833-484-6359) if you would like help in knowing how to keep a student safe.
What if I’m not sure if I should report the concern?
You are registering a concern based on an observed behavior (e.g., verbal exchange, action, etc.), not making a determination. By alerting the appropriate campus representatives, a professional determination can be made in the context of the student’s history and current standing at the university. Let the Behavioral Intervention Team weigh the information and see if gathering more information or taking action is warranted.
What if the student is upset that I referred them?
Referrals are meant to help identify students who may be in need of assistance through positive, proactive risk assessment and intervention; however, referrals will be received in a variety of ways just like any other feedback from a faculty member. To this end, it is always recommended that you discuss any concerns directly with the student whenever possible. Your referral should be based on objective criteria and non-biased professional judgment. With that said, the University maintains both Directors and Officers insurance as well as employee liability policies for employees operating in their role(s) and under current policies/procedures.
I have submitted a referral, what happens next?
First, a member from the Behavioral Intervention Team will contact you within 48 business hours to gather any more information needed or to let you know follow-up is occurring. Next, if it is appropriate, a Behavioral Intervention Team member will reach out to the student of concern. If necessary, the information will then be brought to the entire team to develop a plan and this plan will be communicated back to the student of concern as well as any other community members affected (as appropriate).
What will happen to the person who I submit a referral about?
Although the action/outcome will depend upon the situation, the Behavioral Intervention Team will intervene in support of the person of concern, as well as in support of college policies and procedures. In most cases, this involves a phone call/email to the student of concern whenever appropriate and within 48 hours. When appropriate or requested by the referral source, the Behavioral Intervention team will contact you directly for more information. As our mission states, “The Behavioral Intervention Team respects the autonomy of community members and intervenes in the least intrusive manner proportionate with verified safety concerns.”
How will I know that the situation has been addressed?
Within 48 business hours of a referral being received, a member of the Behavioral Intervention Team will reach out to the reporting party if more information is needed or to let them know that the referral was received and follow-up is occurring. The Behavioral Intervention Team does its best to communicate follow-up from assessments and what resolutions were decided upon back to the reporting party. Please keep in mind that not all information can be shared due to FERPA, but the Behavioral Intervention Team will ensure that educational need-to-know information is shared.
Can I submit a referral anonymously?
Yes, you can; however, you are encouraged to identify yourself, because this may assist the Behavioral Intervention Team if additional information is needed. Submitting your name also gives your report more credibility.
Will the student know that I am the person who reported her/him to Behavioral Intervention Team?
Behavioral Intervention Team will attempt to handle all matters discreetly. A reported student will be given specific information about the behaviors/actions that occurred so they can respond to the reported concern. Therefore, it is possible that a student may know who made the report through the circumstances described to them.
Who has access to a referral?
The referrals are managed by the Associate Director of Accessibility and Wellness and reviewed by Behavioral Intervention Team members when appropriate. The team represents diverse staff/faculty groups across campus, including Student Conduct, Student Affairs, Security, Faculty, and Student Wellness. These referrals are considered part of a student’s educational record. Such records are maintained in accordance with the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Don’t see your question here?
We welcome all questions and suggestions. To do so, please contact us at [email protected] or (858) 541-7784.