Registrar FAQs
Why haven’t I been evaluated yet? There are several reasons:
For Undergraduate Students:
- We haven’t received all of your documents (these may include any or all of the following):
- Transcripts from each college or university you attended (including foreign and/or foreign evaluation transcripts).
- Joint Services Transcripts (JST), military transcripts if you are or have been in the Army, Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard (including Reserve).
- Community College of the Air Force, military transcripts if you are or have been in the Air Force (including Reserve).
- Records department has not received your enrollment paperwork.
- You have been granted special permission by the Committee on the Application of Standards (CAS) to be placed on “Probationary” status, and complete specific requirements as mandated by the committee (this is for undergraduate students with a transfer GPA of less than 2.00).
For Graduate Students:
- We have not received official transcripts from the institution that your Bachelor’s Degree was awarded (including foreign and/or foreign evaluation transcripts).
- Records department has not received your enrollment paperwork.
- You have been admitted on a “Probationary” status pending a grade of “B” (3.0 GPA) or better in your first graduate level course (this is for students with an undergraduate GPA of less than 2.50).
How soon do I need to turn in my documents after I enroll?
All transcripts and enrollment paperwork must be submitted within 60 days. You can view your “To Do List” on the Student Portal to see what documents the Records Department is still waiting to receive, or review your Message Center for notices from the Records Department.
When are my transcripts/documents going to arrive at National University?
The average transition time for most documents is six weeks from the date they were requested or approximately eight weeks from the date of enrollment.
I just got my Credential Evaluation notice and it doesn’t have the CBEST, MSAT, or other Credentialing requirement checked. HELP!
All questions regarding credential course waivers, specific credentialing requirements, or student teaching should be directed to a Credentials analyst by emailing [email protected].
What does evaluation mean?
Evaluation means you have been officially accepted at National University. Degree evaluation constitutes your official acceptance into a degree or credential program and is the final step in the admission process. Your notice of evaluation specifies the courses required to complete a degree or credential. It includes all coursework that must be done at National University in order to be eligible to receive your degree.
How do I order my transcripts?
You may order your transcripts by filling out an online request form through our transcript provider, Parchment, on their website. You may select between electronic and paper transcripts as well as expedited shipping, for an additional cost. You may pick up or place an order in person at:
National University | Registrar Office
9980 Carroll Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92131
How long does it take to process my request for a transcript?
Parchment processes transcript requests within 24 hours. 1st Class USPS transcript orders can take 5-10 business days. Should you need transcripts sooner, National University urges you to select expedited shipping, electronic or pick up options within the Parchment storefront. Additional fees may apply.
You will not be able to place an order if you have a financial hold on your account. Please contact National University Student Business Services to resolve any financial holds prior to placing your order to avoid transcript processing delays: [email protected] or (858) 642-8550.
Why didn’t a course transfer to National University?
The first thing to consider is the actual content of the course. You may find this by either calling your school or looking over your syllabus from the course (if you have it). Many times courses are not equivalent from one school to the other and therefore cannot be transferred. For example, a course in American Literature at a community college is not equivalent to Introduction to Literature offered at National. Although both are literature courses, the content of the course at National is much broader than the one at the community college.
There are occasions when we may not have accepted a course because the title or course description was vague. If you think the course you took at another school matches the description of a course you are required to take at National, please contact the Registrar’s office, who may request that you supply a syllabus or some other documentation showing that the two courses are equivalent.
It is also possible that a course transferred as elective units towards overall unit requirements for the degree. When we accept a course for elective units at National University, we do not specify the actual course on the degree evaluation report. We recommend that you take your degree evaluation report directly to your Academic Advisor and to have them sit down with you and explain it. This is also an opportune time to make sure that you are scheduled correctly.
What do I have to do in order to graduate?
There are several steps to take in the graduation process.
- When you are three months from completion of your degree, complete the online graduation application through your Student Portal.
- Complete all your academic requirements by the required date (this date may be obtained from your advisor).
- Settle all financial obligations to the University.
- Commencement information will be emailed to you approximately 8 weeks prior to the ceremony.
Are the dates for commencement and conferral dates the same?
No. There are six conferral dates per year but only two commencement ceremonies. The conferral date is the official date of graduation and this is the date which appears on your diploma and transcripts. Degrees are posted in January, March, May, July, September and November.
When will I receive my diploma?
Your diploma will be mailed to you AFTER the official conferral date. You can expect to receive your diploma four to six weeks after your degree was conferred. (Conferral dates are the third Sunday of the following months: January, March, May, July, September and November.)
Can I call your office to get my grade(s) or GPA?
No. Staff are prohibited from releasing this information over the phone. You will be alerted of grade posting via the Message Center in your Student Portal. You can view both your grades and your GPA via the Student Portal.
What information can you release about me over the phone?
According to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) the following directory information is the ONLY information we can release, it includes the following:
- Name of Student
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Major field of Study
- Dates of enrollment
- Degrees and Dates conferred
- Academic honors and awards received
- Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of current and former students
What about Loan Deferments?
Loan deferments are processed through our office. National University is part of the National Student Clearinghouse, which processes deferments electronically at the end of each month. We also process some deferment requests by hand. If you have received a request from your lender in written form to be filled out, submit your request via Letter Request eForm. Keep in mind the following information:
- Do not fill out the deferment dates on the form. If you write in the dates and they are incorrect, it can cause a delay or result in the form being returned to you.
- We can only process deferments for periods of 6 months.
- If you are newly enrolled or have had a 3 month break in your classes, the deferment request cannot be processed until you have completed your 3rd night of class.
How do I get in touch with your office? Who do I call?
Our office is located at the National University Scripps Ranch Campus in San Diego, California. Our address is:
9980 Carroll Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92131
Phone: 1-866-NU-ACCESS (dial ext. 8260 or ask for the Registrar’s Office)