Title IX
Creating a campus community free of sexual harassment and violence
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded form participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” – Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to The Higher Education Act of 1965
Each instance of discrimination, harassment, and violence ripples outward. Effects begin with the individuals directly involved and extend to intimate social networks, professional and friendly acquaintances, and shared academic and extracurricular groups, ultimately impacting the NU community as a whole.
We know that these effects vary depending on the experiences, identities, and social status of those involved. While we understand that each individual experience of discrimination, harassment, and violence is unique, we are also aware that acts of harm do not occur in a vacuum, but instead gain meaning from a variety of intersecting social and cultural values. We use this knowledge not to make assumptions based on people’s identities or experiences, but to implement a response to discrimination and harm that is nuanced and varied, rather than uniform.
Responding to discrimination, harassment, and violence requires collaboration across different areas of expertise and knowledge possessed by students, staff, and faculty at NU. Just as the responsibility to respond to discrimination is shared, so is the commitment to a community standard that prioritizes respect, equity, and safety.